Donnie Ortega Madden
@madega · 0:23

#MyProfile | Donnie Ortega Madden

Hello, everyone. My name is Donnie Ortega Madden, and I'm the founder of Mendo Muscle. It's a small retail store in Northern California. And I have been a coach and a trainer for over 19 years before I retired in 2016. And then I'm currently making a comeback to coaching and training


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:33

#community #fitness #training

Donny. What's up, Donnie? It looks like you are going to have a lot of insightful knowledge to share here. Being involved in the industry of coaching for so long and being in the retail aspect, I know that I can particularly name a handful of people who I already know would benefit from a discussion with you that I've just met on well over the last year. So definitely don't be shy to open up. Use hashtags