Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:35

Information Overload

The young generation wants to cancel the culture which helps shape them their parents to be here, to be the person that they hope they desire to be. I turn on the TV and I am just lost I turn on the radio and I'm completely lost. But this is a culture in which we live in where we embrace in negativity and denounce a positivity because culture will bring you back to a certain belonging sense of peace where you come from to know where you're going
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:45
Sometimes he's like, 830 it is, and he'll test it sometimes, or at 09:00, sometimes he'll test it. He'll be like, oh, but can we go a little longer? I cannot go a little longer. 930 is my hard cut off because I don't even rest well. I have so much in my head. I need to have that time. It's important to me to have that time and even to model for him