Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:48

Peer Pressure Dying To Fit In

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So you're dying to fit in and it's costing your life. It's so sad that we don't talk about that enough. You see, people try to be someone that they're not. They totally alter their face and you don't even recognize them. They're putting plastic in their bodies. You should be good enough. But some people are self conscious. They are. You can tell
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:46
Leading into the example that you shared about people who might adjust their looks I will have to say just from some past experiences and especially working in healthcare that it's not always the case for all people that there are some people that make these decisions and it is from an internal factor. It is for to answer or respond to something that they are achieving internally for themselves and not to fit in and not to be a particular age. It just might be something that they want to do for themselves
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:51
But, yeah, with the way the world said, as long as we got social media, people continue to try to fit in. You know, like, it's a sad instrumental, but good morning
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@Swell · 0:15

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Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:04


These are cosmetic things that people are doing, but it's just I can't help but wonder if they're just giving in to the peer pressure of trying to fit in, trying to stay forever young. There are some people that just you can tell. I can look on my local news, and you can just walk up to the TV and you can see those lights just damaging their skin, but they're trying to look you
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:19


I actually spent a lot of time in the gym on my personal Instagram account. I have a bunch of videos where I start when I first starseed, working out up until the results you see two months later. Now it's just a matter of muscle memory. So once I get back in the gym, it's like a snapback situation. But if people want to look like they care about their bodies, but the reality of it is they want something. A quick fix