Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 14:05

What You Seek Is You Have To Become

If you're looking for loyalty, consistency, trustworthy people, if you're looking for kindness, if you're looking for love, if you're looking for integrity, if you're looking for a millionaire, whatever you're looking for, you have to become that person first, that you seek, that you want to attract the people you want to attract. You do. That blew my mind. That blew my mind because it's true
Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:25
And in this season of my life, I want to see reciprocated back what I give. I want to see it back, but that's going to come through a conversation because everybody don't look at relationships in the same way. They don't look at friendships in the same way. So that's why it's so important that we build positive and intelligent and vulnerable and authentic relationships. That's where I'm in this season of my life
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 3:56

#Differences, #Similarities, #Attract

I think I understand what you're saying. As far as, you know, honesty and all of that. And attracting like attracts like. Right. And we see that all the time. Birds of a feather flock together, you know, that kind of a thing. But in addition to that, what I found to be true quite often is the opposites attract thing. Not necessarily because someone is the opposite of you, but because we see things in other people that we wish we were like