So just want to talk about it and let you know that even though people talk a good game, people are hurting. And you need to be mindful of the hurt that you may cause or that they may cause. You acknowledge it, but don't to sit there and dwell in it. Pick up your bed and walk. And you walk straight with your head held high until you can see the change or be the change that you want to see. Okay, thank you
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 5:00

#Family #hurt

And you just might be the person who comes through that family. And you can just see just the fact that you're asking the question, why are you cosigning this person's stupidness when this is wrong? Can't you see this is wrong? Can't you see this is right? Everybody's not born with that consciousness of right and wrong. Some of us are. We're here, we point it out, and then we become the ones that everybody points their arrows at
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 5:00

#family #hurt part 2

So you don't want to tell your daughter that she's not being a good woman, she's not being a good mother because then if you weren't a good mother, then she's going to come in and say, how dare you say such and such to me? And if you haven't reconciled your own shortcomings in your past, you don't want it in your face