Brit c
@LovelyVibez6391 · 1:39

Hello I'm Brittany

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So, yeah, I'm looking forward to hearing everybody's stories and meeting people and socializing and see where that goes. Thank you for whoever listens, and I hope you guys have a wonderful day

#singlemomlife #wife/widowToAUsMarineVet #ExpandingMycreativegifts

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:35
Hi, Brittany. Welcome to swell. And I'm really sorry for your loss. It was really nice to hear you introducing yourself and I think you'll find a nice community here. There's a lot of parents, there's a lot of people talking about really interesting things. I hope you're having exploring the app and finding interesting and cool conversations to join. Thank you for this introduction and happy to have you