Loren DiGiorgi
@lorendigiorgi · 3:02

Piano For Listening #2

article image placeholderQuiet Rain by Loren DiGiorgi
Hi, welcome to another edition of Piano for listening. I'm Loren, and this song is quiet rain from my CD reflections. I hope you enjoyed that. That's quiet rain from my CD reflections. You can find that at the streaming site, so I've enclosed a link. Thanks and I'll see you next time

Quiet Rain by Loren DiGiorgi https://song.link/us/i/516477854

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:12
Wow. That's great. Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you. That was beautiful. Thank you. I really enjoyed that. Going to follow you so I can hear more. Take care. Bye now. Bye
Loren DiGiorgi
@lorendigiorgi · 0:06


Hey, thank you very much. I really appreciate the comment and the follow. Thanks again