Lone Suhana
@Lone_suhana123 · 1:15


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Hello, my name is lone Sohana today my poem is about depression, anxiety and depression. How is survival possible? I want security and depression. Depressed is my soul bring me clothes and console how can I survive in this physical abuse and daily dose? It's just an excuse and I'm really going to lose my heart is torn, you won't understand and leave me for Lone. My heart stays but my mind diverts only option left is suicide yet the society wants me to survive

#poetofswell #swellcast

Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 2:16


Might help them to have a company called their own. Might be your little affection, your little empathy may help them to speak their heart out. And might be you will be able to help them to come out of their depression. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful poetry with all of us. God bless