Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:41


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Inadvertently called poems. Paintings paused and laughed, stopped in my tracks. Yes, yes, that's it. Color, line and shape bursting from interior space, thrown on paper, bright and loud or soft like cotton candy clouds, flying birds, suns that always burn. House that made me starry, nights that laid me pen as brush with space and time, love as color. That sounds like rhyme

Sorry for my voice! 😷 #poetrymonth #poem #poet #art #heartist #poetry #napomo #painting #wordpainting

DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:51
And so I'm really, really thrilled every time you invite me to listen to something that you've done. And I'm just glad that you're here. It's just so cool to be able to be here with all of you guys and just have such a fantastic experience, and for it to be so positive and so embracing. And that's what I've been wanting for so long as a poet and an artist, to be part of a tribe
article image placeholderUploaded by @Pixiepoet4life
Dom Gatto
@stone · 0:27
867-6808 to schedule your appointment. I really, really love this poem. It is so visual. I can feel it. I can see it, I can see the colors. It's just amazing. You must be published somewhere. Are you? I'd love to know because your work is really, really fantastic. Thanks so much for this joyful, beautiful poems
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:43


Oh, yes, yes. I just want to echo all of those sentiments about being part of a tribe. You know, in my other response to, I said, well, it started out mainly to be to help me heal my throat chakra and, you know, the wounds that I have around speaking my truth and just speaking in general. And it has turned into this gorgeous exercise in finding soul family, and wow, what an incredible gift it has been
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:03


That is quite a compliment. I really appreciate that. And I appreciate you for being here and sharing your voice and being part of this beautiful community we have
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:35
You. Oh, that was a moment. I don't know how you conjured this piece, but I'm left with a sense of writing instinctively to the art, almost as if the picture was the prompt, and get a sense of just being allowed to be free in your voice for the sense of just expression and putting words to feelings. That's the sense I got from this piece. And it's a lovely there's almost something avantgarde about it. Just lovely