Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 3:35

Chats with Mahoney

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I'm desperately trying to push towards the plant medicines in my life. I've noticed that just changing my diet alone has afforded me a 20 pound weight loss, a little more energy and a clearer head. I definitely feel that a lot of our problems in the United States has to do with our diet and I'm going to be recovering from what I had to eat while I was up in California. But now that I'm back home, I can definitely get back onto the diet thing

Just venting after a long drive south to Baja Sur.

Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 2:58
And I suppose if you have a vehicle that's comfortable enough and it's not so bad. But I never did get along well on a long road trip. I can take 12 miles or something like that, maybe 15 miles, 20 miles. But boy, when it gets beyond that, then I get miserable