Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 3:54

How to get graphics for your novel?

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Is there an app that you use that makes it easier? Do you just leave it up to your publishers if that's the case? If they are the ones purchasing the manuscript and getting ready to put it out there, obviously they're going to do all the editing and formatting, why not the images as well?

Having only self published on novella, im still unfamiliar with the entire process. How does one get cover graphics made for their novel?

Alexandra Mars
@AlexandraMars · 5:00
Because I've seen a lot of reviewers really slam self publishing authors. Because of that. You might have the greatest story in the world, but if your grammar is not up to par, you'll get slaughtered in reviews. Unfortunately, I've seen that many times. And like I said, you will need a to stand out from the other books, you will need to have an excellent cover
Alexandra Mars
@AlexandraMars · 3:33
You know, but I didn't you know, I didn't you know but I didn't buy the book because I just didn't care for the COVID A couple of them I did, but there was a lot of them that I was just like, yeah, I'm not putting my money into something that I'm not sure about the story because of the COVID So the COVID is very, very important. So I hope that helps. Talk to you later
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 4:12


I tend to go in and read a few things and and sort of, like, get an idea first, but definitely my eyes drawn to the COVID art, and yeah, I totally understand what you mean