@lilmsuniverse · 2:26

Do you like aesthetic lifestyles?

And while I know on one hand it's like, okay, no one wants to see that. They do. Actually, in this day and age, when we have flipped so far from being the people that would post 100 photos of a night out on Facebook to only posting the best, most perfect moments, I think it's kind of refreshing to see that there is regular life out there. Me personally, I don't get a chance to do much until the weekend or sometimes at night

#living #life #thoughts #trends #mentalhealth

Tremaine Hinds
@tremaine · 2:10
Hi. So I love the idea of watching people's normal lives. And this is, like, one of the reasons why social media is such a facade, in a way, because, you know, we see the best parts of everyone's lives, but we you forget that there's more to it. Like, way more to it. And I grew up watching YouTube, and I'm definitely into watching daily vlogs of people just doing normal things, like 2030 minutes long vlogs
J Wang
@jsmwang · 2:59
You aesthetic lifestyles sometimes include I think, as mentioned before, it does include, like, the day in life where it's highly cultivated. And even though it's like normal routines, like waking up, running, eating, doing work, it's also still kind of like a version of reality that is, I guess, idealized, normal life. It's like you have to call your bank or go do laundry or deal with some annoying thing for a family member, all of that stuff
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 1:03
And I feel like even someone controlling what you can see of their day and being able to edit it however they want and change it up however they want and make it look like they were doing whatever, I think it's just really important to realize that your life is not going to be this perfectly aesthetic vibe look forever. And it's not very realistic, but it is really fun to just kind of see the pictures on Pinterest and stuff. I can't lie