Liberty Day
@libertydawnday1 · 0:40

On Humility & Heart

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I just wanted to share a quick podcast on humility and what a superpower that can be if incorporated into all of the relationships in your daily career, in your daily round and in your daily life. It's such an overlooked quality and it's such a beautiful thing. Definitely something that I go back to and when I do genuinely feel that quality from other people, it is so inspiring and so humbling and so beautiful. Yeah, I just wanted to give credence and acknowledgement to that human characteristic

#HumilityOverHumanity #HumbleHeart #HumbleSoul #HumblePie🤭

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:45
And even if we do strive for it, sometimes it's like, how the heck do I practice humility? But being empathetic, I found, helps me be humble. Pausing before I respond. Actually, I should say practicing more of response communication instead of reaction communication helps me be more humble. Conscious communication, trying to validate people where they are before offering my perspective or opinion, even if it's different, right?