Lem Johnson
@lemj215 · 3:10

Yes, I have seen people change...

article image placeholderDo People Change? | A Swell storytelling page
And it's not always easy, just in terms of having to navigate a world that's not always very helpful and as kind as it should be for people with disabilities, and my frustration with that at times. But no, I think that people do change. And this experience has definitely changed me for the better. And I went through other family experiences also that continue to really strengthen me and change me for the better

#DoPeopleChange #sspsddpcpY #SwellDebate https://s.swell.life/SU73u0BlU8UJs1C #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:40
Yeah, I love this. I think there's no better account of seeing people change than to see that change in yourself and to live through it, to see how your perception and your actions can change and broaden. When you're in a situation that's, like, out of your normal, when it's a situation that, that forces you to adapt, I mean, you got to change. You got to keep up