Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:05

Best Pizza Topping?

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Question of the day. Swell. What is the best pizza topping ever?
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:23
Patrick, how's it going? I have one answer, despite the fact that I don't eat it anymore. But, oh, man, do I crave it from time to time. That is pepperoni. I think that if you buy quality pepperoni, you know the type I'm talking about, like the pepperoni cups that sort of fold or like curl when you bake them. That is, for me, just the king of all pizza toppings
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:44
I will also go for the little round circle sausages that we have here from like, Pepe Pizza, because, again, just true Italian, I guess it's a stick of sausage, but they thinly slice. But, yeah, sausage pizza is the best. Has to be with a grape soda. Obviously, I don't eat that ever, but that's a core childhood memory right there