Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:22

Lets Make an ‘80s Mix Tape Together!

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What is up? Swell. Let's have some fun on Saturday. Let's make an eighty S-S-S mix tape together song from the 80s that you love. Let's add it to this crazy mixtape we're about to make. Okay? So I'm gonna pick some tears for fears. Everybody wants to rule the world. That's my first pick. Let


Pasju Kubert
@PasjuRelatively · 0:17
Alright, I'm gonna go with I feel love the Bronsky beat version of it. This is great. Let's make a mixtape. Awesome
cj matthews
@oneoarboat · 0:36
You. I think I'm gonna have to go with in a big country by the band. Big country totally overprocessed drums an angelic multi chorus choir within the chorus super clean and multitracked guitars a gigantic hook and almost a one hit wonder a song that you could play air guitar to and get out on the dance floor big country