Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:06

Best Way to Start a Week?

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What is up. Swell. Let me know. How do you start your work week? With a bang. Talk to me


Gary Lee
@gary_lee · 0:07
I'm going to keep this one pretty short. The best way to start your work week would be on Tuesday
Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:03


Yeah, man. That wins. I love it
Annalyzed Perspectives
@AnnaT · 1:18
Ahead. And so I have to say that I am one of the few people that I know or if I think long, maybe the only person I know that actually loves Mondays, which is the start of my work week. I normally like to start with the best Monday ever. And so I will probably go more full out on a Monday than any other day of the week. I will make sure I get great rest on Sunday