Spencer Whitelow
@lazyybou · 0:45

Yes, I have seen people change...

article image placeholderDo People Change? | A Swell storytelling page
You? Yes, I think people do change. It really has to deal with the person if they work on themselves, understand what was the problem, maybe go seek professional help to understand what's really going on with them. And yes, they can change. It takes some time. It's just not going to happen over night. But it would definitely happen. I don't know any exercise or anything for you to do to change. But I do believe people can change for the better

#DoPeopleChange #sspsddpcpY #SwellDebate https://s.swell.life/SU7cgoSlkQvJYWS #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
Yeah, I agree with you. I do think people change, and I think it should come from within. You can't force anybody to change. But then once you want to change, I think you figure out the way to do it. Everybody has a different approach to it, and I think the best thing to do is kind of listen to what your specific method will be and be true to that. It. But, yeah. Thank you so much for participating in this prompt