Confessions of a Latina
@Latinatalk · 3:28

Organically dating, the "preferred" option

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And then I do a follow up question and I ask well, if you have a guy that comes up to you in the grocery store and you're not interested or you feel like he's being kind of like a creep, quote unquote, because people don't necessarily like to be bothered nowadays with random strangers coming up to them. How can you say that you would rather organically date versus the dating apps?

Organically dating or swiping right #relationships

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:48
Like, everything has been organic in person and I don't know, I always promised myself that I wouldn't use a dating app no matter what happened. It just wasn't the route that I wanted to take. Something about it feels so strange to me. Power to you, if that's your way or if that just works better with your lifestyle or whatever