Confessions of a Latina
@Latinatalk · 4:29

Supporting men and raising boys in the American culture is frightening

I'm one thing I've come to realize in our new American culture, within the past maybe ten years or so, I would say it's become a popular thing to break down the male, um, males in general


Nelson Reyes
@Eivlsin · 2:25
So there's a lot of stuff you need to know about that. If you ever want to see how do you do with a boy, I suggest if you got a sister, cousin, friend, anybody that has a kid, whatever age you're looking for, to start your experiment with the kid. So go for the ages. It could be a baby, it could be a year old, it could be a toddler. It could be like that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:54
You. Hey, good morning. So thank you for your swell cast. I will agree with you that there is definitely an agenda against traditional masculinity, and it is frightening, as you said, and it's mostly based on lies, and it's not true, but it's terrible. I can read some people both social media posts, and you just hear the hate in their voice and in the voice of those who comment