LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:29


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So I don't have to be in any situation where I'm going to be continually disrespected, especially when it comes to marriage. It becomes more serious when you come to marriage because you're taking vows to not do the certain things that you were doing when you were single. So now you're married, and this is the games that you want to play that's even more hurtful. So I've been through it. I've been there and done that, and I can speak on it

#cheating #relationships #love #hurt

LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:41
But that's not an incentive for your spouse, your husband or wife to go and break those larita vows or if you're in a relationship that is not ground, hey, we had an argument, let me go cheat. No, that is not acceptable and that is not doable. And if anyone out there is thinking about cheating on their relationship or marriage, you better think twice. You better think what life will be like without that person
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:59


If that person was worth all that, then you need to be with them there's nothing I can do. I don't feel bad. I don't feel bad, actually. I feel like, hey, in this case, the better person, quote unquote one. But it's the lion. You are a liar. And instead of saying, oh, people are telling stories or they're cheating, call them out for what they are, you are a liar
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:46


You're covenant with that person. Get out. Just get out. You can't have the security of the relationship, having someone there and knowing that you're hurting them day in and day out with your lies, with the deception, with the mistreatment, because you are mistreating that person, right? You're not respecting the relationship at all. You're just not respecting it. And most people are afraid to walk away
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 2:04


So yes, honey, he's playing between both of us. But guess what? You can have him. And that's exactly what I did. I released that tension and that stress of a marriage because it was no longer working in my favor, because I'm home with your family, the family we created, and I'm expecting you to do right and you're doing wrong while I'm sitting at home waiting for your behind to come in from work
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 1:57


Whether you're in a relationship, whether you're engaged to be married and whether you're married, it's like and when you're married, you have to make tougher decisions and choices because you've now built something more on a stable and solid foundation. And to have to make that decision, you could own businesses together. You could own property together. And besides that, the vows that you've taken to not olive that single life no more
Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:41
So I just see people who accept spouses that cheat on them to a certain degree to be strong enough to love and forgive and move forward. Ultimately it's a struggle, an internal struggle because you know that things will never be how they were before. You have to rebuild that trust. That foundation cannot be with cracks, it cannot be shaky and there has to be commitment on both ends in order for that love to blossom again
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:50
I don't want to get into further details why I know it wasn't from God to reveal to me if it is happening, but I come across your post and I'm listening to what you're saying and it literally just hit me like a ton of bricks about cheating. I think that's the most hurtful thing a spouse can go through, whether it's a husband or a wife being cheated on
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 2:47


And it's like those soul ties are being exchanged and their energy is pouring into your energy and it's just deeper than just the surface. And people don't understand that just because you have a bad day in a relationship, it's just not an incentive to go and start forming a connection with somebody else because that is where the real problems come in
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:57


It's control on different levels financially, emotionally, spiritually. It's different forms of control. And if a lot of people just band together and just really empower each other and support each other, this will be a strong, united front. Like, hey, and I can't speak 100% to not forgiveness, because I've had that situation in the past where I was cheated on and I forgiven
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:26


And that's been proven over and over and over again. So there definitely is a stigma. And I wanted to bring up this topic because there are a lot of topics that people can relate to. And I'll discuss these topics in my life coaching sessions and people going through things and I feel like the reason why I got into the field and I've been in the social services field for several years now, helping children, helping families
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:50


And I do like when they are transparent about what's going on in their lives because it just goes to show you that there are regular people just like us and they go through things just like regular, normal people. So, yeah, I did hear about the whole Neil situation and that honestly didn't surprise me because of the way he treated his first wife. I forgot her name, too. But they used to have those shows on