And when we started to talk and I understand most of the things that we was relating to were more of what society uses to see that we are successful with. You got to have a good job. You should have that perfect spouse or someone to spend your life with, happy family, you share some money, your own place, cars to drive. The American Dream pretty much was sold on all of us. Everybody's fighting for it. But some of us don't make it
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:35
I know I've had to work on this idea for my own self, and it can be really isolating, but your words are very encouraging. And just to really create your own values for your life. That's one thing that I started doing was just what are the things that make me happy, regardless of what other people are going to think or it's not going to look like what other people are doing. Yeah
Marion Brown
@LaMari · 1:16


Because if we do, like you said, based on what society think we should be, we will be limiting our own happiness and well being because we're trying to live up to a standard that someone that for us, that probably don't even matter, because we don't even know who society is. Exactly right. Because we'll call them they or what they expect