The people there were a little bit weird, a little bit complicated. So I decided to go away from there. There were a toxic environment, so yes, and well, I had a lot of stress moments because I decided to quit the job. So I must search a new shop and a new home. And here it's a town that's very touristic. So it was a little bit difficult, but I get it now
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:12

#risk #reward #passion #experience #path

Hey Juan, what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. I think that there's so much magic in pursuing happiness and doing something that's uncomfortable and being willing to learn. I think those three things in life will always lead you to success regardless of what you are pursuing that if you prioritize happiness you stay humble meaning you just don't assume you know everything. At least that's what being humble means to me