Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:10

A Shopping Incident that upset me… I HATE WALMART!

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article image placeholderUploaded by @LadyFi
Good morning, Miss Wildcast family. Good morning. You know what? I hate Walmart. I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again. I hate Walmart. And I know hate is a strong word, but these people are irritating me. I just can't stand them. And let me tell you why. Every time I go to Walmart, it's like a freaking know. I think Ringling Brothers has stock at Walmart because people don't know what they're doing

#Walmart #NinjaBlender #Circus #IHateWalmart #LadyFi

Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 2:39
So Walmart is so dirty that the government decided to start staggering their payments to keep Walmart from doing some more dirty crap. But they used to also make their employees work off the clock. They have lots of lawsuits. Walmart has had so many lawsuits over the years. But yeah, they used to make some of their employees, I think it was their management or something, work off the. The. God, I can't stand Walmart. I hate that place. I really do
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 0:44
You. Oh. And I don't know if this is still the case or not, but it was back when I was doing my research on Walmart. But Walmart also keeps its employees, its, quote, unquote, full time employees under the amount of hours that they would need to actually be able to get, like, benefits. So if, you know, that's, like, if it's 40 hours or whatever, they only work 35
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:29


And then the people that they train, they don't train them in excellent customer service. They really, really don't. Most of the people there don't want to be there because Walmart's treating them bad and then they treat the customers bad. So, no, I have nothing for Walmart. Like, I don't even go there. I'll go to all these. I'll go anywhere beside Walmart if anything happens to be needed from Walmart. My husband goes because he loves Walmart
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Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 0:55


They hire crappy people who treat people crappy. And so Walmart becomes a crappy experience. And so it's cyclical. It just keeps going round and round and round. And I hate Walmart. It's a freaking dumpster fire
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:03
07:00 a.m. Now going to either location after 05:00 p.m. I will even back it up more and say after 03:00 p.m. Totally different experience. It's hard to find an employee at either store. Things are not stocked well at either store. Lines are long at either store. And forget the weekend. I won't say never. I aim to not go to a target or Walmart on a weekend
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:17


It was meant for me to have more, so it worked out well, at least I got what I wanted, and it works even faster and the same level of attachments, so it just worked out. But thank you for the tip, though, because I used to go to Walmart at, like, one and two in the morning, but they don't open 24 hours anymore. Oh, I wish they would, because that's when I would go go. But thank you anyway
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