Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:43

#Poetry | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair!!

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But all the time I've been a climbing on and reaching landers and turning corners and sometimes going in the dark where there ain't been no light. So, boy, don't you turn back, don't you set down on the steps because you find it's kind of hard. Don't you fall now for I still going, honey, I still climbing and life for me ain't been no crystal stare. I love that poem because it reminds me that life is hard. It is

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb9 @arish #LangstonHughes #Poetry #LadyFi

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


Because if you don't see by the type of conversations I have, people are very confused and I am terrified that alien Jesus is going to show up, trick everybody, and then, yeah, it's going to be a wicked time. I don't trust anyone anymore. If you could tell, we've reached that level of skepticism. It's mostly because of the Sean Ryan thing and learning about all the things that the government acknowledges and doesn't acknowledge still
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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:15


You. I obviously messed up and just now found out that I added this comment to the wrong thing. That was supposed to go to the one where we were talking about subscribers, but I accidentally posted this one for some reason. But. My apologies, lady five
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:13

@LadyFi #poetry is such a gift.

And at some point we, we've all had to give that talk to someone or have that talk given to us. But I'm going to go check out some Linkston Hughes. I have not checked into him in a while, so let me go wet my whistle a little bit and see what I can find. And I think I might come back with one
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 1:30
Hey, Evelyn, I just listened to your poem and it is beautiful. And it definitely resonates with a lot of meaning that not some of us, but all of us in life can appreciate. And it comes down to when you fall down, you got to get up. You have no choice. Swell. Actually, I mentioned this in another swell. You do have a choice. You have a choice of using the words of your poem, sitting down on the stairs and not moving
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:01

@Chey, Thank you!!📜

Thank you so much for listening. I mean, I love Langston Hughes. He has so many different poems. Like Harlem, what happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun or fester like a sore and then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Yeah. I love his poems because they make you think. They make you really think
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:38
Thank you, Dr. P. I don't know how to quite pronounce your last name, and I do not want to butcher it. I really love the fact that you put so many things on swell. To help motivatemeu people, because you've got motivatemeuniversity.com. Org. Excuse me? We need positivity. We need realistic dreams. We need positivity. We need people to encourage, to enlighten, to inspire. And I get that every time I talk to you, every single time
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