Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:19

Teacher Journal 9.5.23: Math, Structure, SEL

Anyway, when I get in, I have to quickly do some stuff on myself and then there are some things I have to prepare for individual students as they walk into the homeroom. But I'll describe that in the next post
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:51

Getting Ahead of Emotions

A third student responded to a question saying, describe your overall experience interacting with other students. Said, I hate them. I believe this is a mill good morning. But they use their initials, so I'm not sure. A fourth student who I'm recommending responded two questions this way. The first one was, what were some of your successes this week? They said, not saying anything back to people talking about me
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:56

Catching Up

And it's supposed to be, I think, a 60 minutes block for that test and then we're supposed to have an intervention period. Of course, the issue with having an intervention period is that we haven't tested them on anything yet to do intervention. Technically I have, but I have to sit there and go through all the data to sort them in groups and plan a whole lesson and everything, and that's a lot
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:10

Homework, 4 day school

But that also means, like I mentioned this before, if you are in a school system that does homework versus a school system that not by the time you graduate, say from like fourth to twelveTH grade if you had that difference from that time, you're going to be a few years ahead, just off of the homework, alone. In terms of your academic abilities