Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:59

Math Talks, Games, Activities

Although once kids get the hang of certain ones, they get kind of kind of stale. One thing I actually put together kind of on a whim, because I needed it, that I like I liked the result a lot was what I called Math Dictionary, where I had the students take we have vocab words, we list, and they take one of the words, and they have a sheet of paper. They have to draw an image related to it. They have to describe something in context
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:38

Educational Play feels Challening

All right, for part of the summer program I'm involved in has this thing called why won't it's educational play play activity, and it's specifically called playwords. In some respects I find it maybe they do it anywhere from about three times a week. Um, it's either our entire grade, which is two, two classes of eleven, so 22 kids, and they might do it between two whole grades. So about 40 to 50 kids, anywhere from ten to 50 kids
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:49

SEL Week 3 Day 3

And it was so funny when I sat there and talked because it was three girls and at least two of them were like, yo, he needs this man up and ask her out because they've been going out and if he doesn't and he said, I just lose respect for him and wouldn't want to. I mean, if I really liked him, I might date him anyway