Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:54

Back to School - PD Day 5

It. All right. So yesterday, I think I did get some clarification because we had sort of like a scheduling, not conflict, but the scheduling given by the curriculum and by, like, administration at large wasn't necessarily saying the same thing. So essentially the math really won't be taught for the first two weeks. The first two weeks will be essentially getting kids down with routines, and I guess you could call it engagement
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:36
Diverse learners and that sort of thing. And also the expectation of teacher and managing their own classrooms and what else? I feel like I'm missing something. But that covers mostly the and then just sort of like a system for like rewards and disciplines. Yes. And then the day ended with a get together at a local I don't know what to say. I don't know how to describe it. A facility kind of like you could call like a sports events facility for adults
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:06

Finding X, Slowly

Maybe it's good to have them start on doing very simple stuff with math so that the thing that we start with doesn't feel as difficult when we do. Okay. So the first assignment they have to do, or the first in the curriculum has to do with taking a number with an infinitely repeating decimal. It meets the same decimal piece forever. So like 7.8, which always continues, or 7.9,494,949,494, and then you turn that into a fraction