Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:50

Teacher Journal: 9.4.23: Lucky, Unlucky, Adjustments, and Streamlining

And if that's the case today and the two academic periods are not before our outing from ten to twelve, then I may just play a video instead. And that kind of saves me a lot of trouble because since I already had an academic plan for Friday, we didn't get to do that
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:44
And I need them to finish something related to like a class charter they did, which I guess taking ten minutes to do that, hold on, Kai can take care of that. But that really doesn't solve the problem of getting a few things administratively that I need to get done not only by the due date, but before the week starts. So that when the week starts, I can kind of focus on everything I need to in the classroom
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:43

Preparation Feedback Loop: Obsession or Necessity?

This is something I can't control. It makes me feel like it's this kind of feedback loop where I'm going to have to be doing more and more of this until something drastic happens, where you're in more positions, whether you're paid more or you have. Enough autonomy that you have control, high level control, access to these things so you don't have to wait and depend on other people to do it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:06

Is the callous a benefit or a blinder?

That may be the current condition of the American way but that's kind of been how I've been since forever. And she had mentioned something if you're always working hard, you got to ask yourself is there something you could be doing different? And again, in a case like this and it maybe is like is a job like this even if you can put in your best and never be able to catch up?
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 5:00

Contingency planning

You can practice them for the day, and we could do a whiteboard and paper lesson even though it's not in the curriculum. So again, it's more of a case, I guess. These things happen. It doesn't mean to ease off on them. It means you kind of have to work harder to catch up even more
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:47

Last Minute Contingencies, Charging Station

And I probably need to get like stickers so I can label it 1234 so that kids, when they put their phone there, they can just sign in their phone saying, my phone is at slot one, slot two, slot three, slot four, small bubba. So they don't have to it they don't have to kind of it's more of an orderly process
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:35

Early Differentiation

And based on those responses, I did flag students for those who might want, who might be good for initial contact with our counseling and social work staff. Sort of have a preemptive thing, not saying anything is wrong here, and these are not based on behavior, it's just based on their responses, like what they may be going through or struggling with. And it was interesting to see what crossover there was. So there were twelve students in the high needs math list
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:30

Math Games. Multiplication, and Division first.

So I did already have a case of Multiplication flashcards. I saw Division flashcards and Multiplication flashcards when thinking of that there's also a game I ran across called Multiplication by Heart at the bookstore and a really interesting game called Cross Math where basically you have to make equations not quite in a tic TAC, much larger than a tic TAC toe board, but from what I gather, the objective is to make equations across the board
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:38

Differentiation 2

Another game they might play, for example, is is this card game where you take, do you take out five cars at a time and the object is to I forgot it was five cars for player or five cars overall. But the object is to first pick a number from one to 30, then try to find how to use operations to make those five cars equal 30 as an example or another game is take three numbers and make an equation out of those or four or five
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:51


Because what do you want me to put the you know, if if I didn't have my thing, if I didn't have anything online available to me on any given day, I could just look up the mid school math related material in the sort of like physical copy of the curriculum plan that the curriculum staff gave me. But knowing from experience, it does take time to say, well, I want them to learn this thing. Let me find something useful to it
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:34

More Differentation, Shopping Done, Prepared to Teach on The Fly

And that could also if the stretch group where the class is led by forced teaching assistants doesn't really have a plan of what they're going to do, maybe they can think of those groups in that way too. And I think that last group that expresses and equations, you can really always grow that to something, always increase that because that is really all of algebra one, it's really mostly what expressions and it is expressions and equations, equations and expressions
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:31

Ready Made Math Shelf. What about SEL?

But this makes me feel a little more settled that I don't think I have a lot of teaching time tomorrow. I think because this thing starts at 10:00 A.m., I really only have 15 or 20 minutes of scheduled time, which if you include like cleanup time and stuff, it's probably not even worth doing anything during that time. But I need something structured for them to do because otherwise that's when they get antsy and start doing stupid stuff
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:58
So I need to take my notes on the kids and organize them in groups by level in terms of math ability, and I can kind of start them there. And in my folders, I could have a printout for each game that I expect them to be trying to play in the folder. I just need to buy one version of 24. At least I have enough deck regular cards, and I'll keep a lookout on for math games, particularly cheap math games. Kai