Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:41

Teacher Journal: Open Choice

So my son, even though we live in a city, you know, and with not a great, great public school education or even education system, even charter school education system, my son got into a program called Open Choice where he's basically bust out to another school system. And man, I thank God for it because I was not sending no public school or charter school in the city I'm at
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:42
So I think open choice is a great thing. I know a lot of parents are lobbying for school choice. They want to be able to choose schools that their child can attend without being limited to zoning, and I hope that they're able to do that. Everybody can't homeschool. Everybody doesn't have a lifestyle that is set up to where they can homeschool their kids. Not everybody can afford to send their children to private schools and charter schools