Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:30

Swell Suggestion: Save from Browse or Search Results

There's an option to like or put a heart on it right at that page with the results, but there's not an option to save it to listen to for later, which I think is more practical before you've listened to it. I think that's the one option you'd want if it's interesting, but you don't have the time you'd want to save to listen to for later. But I don't know why you'd want to give it a harder a like


Arish Ali
@arish · 1:01

@kwa thanks for suggestion. Workaround is to use bookmarks by going into the swell…

Yes, it is not as quickly accessible in a search result screen, but as you're browsing and if you go into each and every cell that you like, you can bookmark it and then come back and listen to it later. I hope that helps