Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:03

Why I am here: Teaching, life, etc.

Hello. Hello. This is my first time on the platform and I guess this kind of serves as an introduction of myself and a little bit why why I'm here, and reaching out to meet others who are like minded. So I'm somebody who I think is what I would call a I don't know if an overthinker of a scattered, scattered thing, but I ruminate that's just who I am
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:43

#welcome #letsgo #teacher #wisdom #insights

What's up, Kwa? Good to hear new voice on here. This is definitely the spot for you. It sounds like you have all the drive, all the insight, all the wisdom to really touch people's lives and join into some great conversations. This place, I've been here for about a year, man, and I can't stop welcoming new people and having great conversations. I don't even post much of my own stuff anymore