Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:46

Changing How I Do Laundry

So instead of folding them, putting away, then going through the clothes and putting them out, I'll pick through the dirty laundry first. Pick those three to seven outfits or ten pieces of things that I know put in there. Take the bed sheets that I know I want to change right now. Put them in there. Maybe one additional one. Take the towels that I know I'm going to use immediately. Put them in there
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:41
So it'll mean, like, as soon as I finish washing the load, I put that load in the dry, then I put it in the wash. And if you don't really end up having time to do all that at once, that's how things pile up. So, yeah, that's the rule I add on to it