Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:39

River, Banked

You when one day wow. When one day you find yourself crawling the riverbanks crying for a timeless union that slips your fingers. Stop, breathe. Let go and remind yourself she is not here because you are thirsty, she is open. Because you are wide steady. Because you are firm endless. Because you are deep and wisened by the path you pave
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:20


You. This is rather interesting, and I know for the most part, poetry is supposed to make your mind wonder. But I was just wondering if you were willing to expand a little bit or tell a little bit more about the poem and
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:03


And I just think a lot of people need to be more confident in theirselves or remind themselves why they had the opportunity, maybe not just with a woman, but whatever opportunity was given to them by someone in the first place. Why that person thought chey were valued enough to have any kind of relationship with them, whether it could be a son or daughter, it could be a best friend, it could be an employer. And you have to walk in that strength and they will find you again
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:57


I sincerely like your explanation of the woman at the riverbank and just the trials and tribulations period and the distinction between a man and woman and the concept that goes along with it in the wording of the poetry. That was brilliant. Great. And
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:15


Thank you very much. I definitely appreciate it. Especially after having not written anything for more than a decade and a half. It's definitely encouraging to know that this resonates, at least with one person
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteries · 1:35


Hey Kwa. I'm sorry I've been on vacation so I haven't been on here in the past couple of days. But no, there was a beautiful phone think and it definitely resonated with me as well. And it definitely made me think upon my relationship with my fiance. And it was really good. It really made me think and it's actually giving me the idea to post post some my poems as well. I didn't think to do that
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:03
Definitely appreciate it. I will try to do more because I actually enjoyed putting something out. It's just been so long since I did this. I'm wondering when the next one will come to mind. So I guess I got to be proactive of like trying to actually get a journal and write again, which I suppose is better than scrolling for things on YouTube
Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteries · 1:21


You? Yeah, do it. Absolutely. I actually just worked with a photographer. He needed a model because he was promoting his poetry book that he had just gotten published. And I was like, that's amazing. Like, good for you. I was like, who did you get it published through? And he said he pretty much got it published on his own through Amazon. And I was like, what?