Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:48

Digital Order

You all right? I'm on the quest of trying to reorganize certain things for myself, and one of those things includes digital media, because I'm trying to find a way to find. Find it to be less distracting, to have more quantity, quality over quantity, and have it be things that are more directly useful to my life. One actually interesting tool I found is Kindle. Just because there were a couple books on Amazon that didn't seem available on anything but in Kindle
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:40
I've long for a long time look for apps that I don't necessarily have to meet people that I talk to, but the idea is to be plugged into what's going on with me, people locally and regionally, and. Yeah, and be up to date and discuss those things of importance or interest that are local and regional