Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:57

Math Books for the "Real World"

And I know this answer in many different ways. When I first started tutoring for Pay, a lot of the people I started tutoring were like adults in college or looking to get professional certifications and all the way down from technicians for utility companies or people in trade or the army all the way up to engineering degrees. Math is part of at least how you get placed and judged, and again, it describes a lot of the ways things that you're using works. So I have those answers in spades
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:23
That's for myself, because even if it's what maybe I would call higher level math that I can get through sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get through to do that. The other reason is because as a school teacher, it just takes a lot of time