Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:51

Executive Presence

So what ideas do you have on carrying yourself with a more effective sense of executive presence or authority or some other people use the word magnetism, but magnetism just means attraction. I really mean magnetism in the sense that people pay enough attention to how your intentions and the things you want to get done in a way that allows you to get them done faster rather than spend a lot of time convincing them that that you have the I'm searching for the right word. Is it cat cachet?
Edwin V
@edwinvela · 2:23
As long as you're real, you're going to attract the same kind of people and that's it. You might be just surrounded by the wrong people, just look different circles and try to associate or go to places where you're going to meet people like yourself. That's just what I think about it and the way that I would do pretty much on circumstances like that
Quiet Rebel
@QuietRebel · 2:23


So I think that part of what happens when we have to unwind people's beliefs about us is because we haven't presented ourselves exactly as we are in the first place. I know that I did that for part of my life as a younger person and wanting to be in spaces where everybody was happy and wanting to be like a people pleaser that I would sort of be a chameleon, right?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 2:39
I would say that you should start doing that if you don't and start writing out what it is that you envision, like your angles regarding specific situations. Let's say, you know, that you're supposed to have a meeting with somebody, but you're the type of person who allows people to talk over you. Write down what it is that you wish to accomplish from the beginning to the end, like how you envision it and how you would like it to go