Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:55

Bread, No Sugar

Has anyone noticed how hard it is nowadays to find bread in your average grocery store in the United States, or at least my part of the country, that has no sugar? And when I do find it, it's funny. The bread without that extra ingredient costs noticeably. Noticeably more than bread with sugar. I don't know what to say to that
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:03


In other countries, if you want the junk stuff, the convenience stuff, you pay more for the convenience, whereas healthy, God given foods is cheaper. But this, this is, you know, as much as I love my country, America, there's a lot of work to be done
article image placeholderWhy Natural Foods Cost More Than Processed Foods | Thrive Market
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:02
Sometimes I eat, like, the soft tortillas, you know, I'll get those, the high fiber ones, but I always like the food with fiber in it, and I prefer natural. Sometimes I'll do chickpeas and. And make it and blend it up, like, you know, boil some chickpeas and then blend it up. And you can put it in a skillet and then you can make your own wraps. They're not the best, but they're healthy
LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 2:42
And they have additives that are conditioners that help give you that funky texture and longer shelf stability. So when you have simpler breads, which are real, quote unquote breads, they're considered artisan. And because they have a far shorter shelf life, fewer ingredients, more intentional practices, and then are consequently small batch, you're paying for those four things, namely the small batch and the high turnover, because it doesn't stay very long