Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:59

Why Freeweights Rock

So I could either piece them all one together when I have the time, or split them in two parts in the day, or do half of an entire workout, which is like a smaller module in part a day and still keep on track in order kind of thing. So I'm not doing too much of one thing and too little of the other. And the other thing is, it's really changing my eating habits
phil spade
@Phil · 1:56


And if you do, you'll totally notice a difference if you focus on your form and your breath, engage your core when you're doing those exercises to stabilize yourself. Like you mentioned, it does make a heck of a difference and it provides that full body workout. And a lot of the times I'll do body weight work, which is some of the toughest workouts that you can have, too. And I love mixing that in as well
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:47


I'll list like legs or lower body, core, upper body, like arms kind of thing in general, let's say, and I'll probably post a pic once I do it and have a few exercise underneath. So I know when I go to the gym, I've already done these for the week check. I've done these for the week, check. And I just have these left