You hanji toas Bhatan kebab actually problem ye Chalriti k bolna Bhatko Chateu aspaskam hall and Osko de Kasalaktake Beach majira do de Kave lakin Jo Unki underka Agaradmi Bahar Nikolay inside Kaika Kiyar Kasilokoki Beach Majira Natu in Kejasa ban sakte or nai in kuachan him banasaktiyanaki acha vai banegaju acha Banacha bijatini actually ustanusana bar Bhatari paniya loga Tangah parishana Panima dubgai gown kegao pani medubrejara safely abu katmu Jagato hamloga apnagar merse apna kopengi SATMA ikala hersi
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:16
So I think let's strive to see beyond the fake face and seek the meaningful connection that value the honesty and empathy and the genuine human experience so we can be the change which we want to see in the society