@krishna_speaks · 3:58


I prefer to have a pets because that animal will play with you. Will make you more joyful with its activities. Right? Also. One more thing is which I like about pets. Like about animals is we can have a good talk with them. We can share anything. Anytime. Whenever we want if I have a bad mood. I can share with it if I have a good mood. I can share with it and in return they don't judge like humans

#sayitonswell #havingpetsisgood

Tanisha Balotiya
@tanishabalotiya · 2:56
That's why my grandfather and grandmother stay alone in the room, in his or her room and they feel tired, laziness and too much things and I think it is better to have a pat to interact with pat or someone maybe pat dog or anyone. They both only do sit together and watch TV and stay alone every day. So that's why I think they are very lonely less