Komal Singh
@komalsingh11 · 0:55

Durga puja

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Saudurga puja is also known as Durgotha in an annual Hindu festival originating in an Indian subcontinent which reverses and pays homage to the Hindu goddess Duka and is also celebrated because of Durga's victory over Mahisasur. It is particularly popular and traditionally celebrated in the states of Bihar, Assam, Horizon and West Bengal, et cetera

#sayitonswell #shareitonswell

Classic Cupcake
@Classic_Cupcake · 0:58
Hey Kumal. So you presented a very factually correct swell on Durhapuja and I hope you had a very nice Durga Puja your festivities when great because the place where I'm from here Durga Puja is huge and it has been a great couple of days in the last week and everybody is still kind of reeling from it all in a very good way. And of course we are missing those days as well because every year the entire city gears up for dilkapuja. So I hope you had a great one as well