optimistic wanderer
@kochibanglorian · 1:31


So I have zero idea about using this platform to reach a wider audience or how to communicate via this. My most preferred language will be my mother tank, which is Malayalam, because I believe that I can better portray or communicate well through my mother tank. Although I am very much okay with the English language as well. So I don't know how this platform is being done or is being operated. It's much more to explore more
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:45
Hi. So actually I could understand what you wanted to say or what you meant to say. So I'm also looking forward to hear Swells from you based on the things that you are interested in, so you might share any kind of content. We'll surely listen to your content and revert back to you based on our views and our experience with that particular things that you share