Pavithra KN
@knp · 1:47

Happy New Year 2023

And at any point of life, like any time, in case you feel you need help or you want to talk to someone, reach out to your closed circle or your loved ones, don't hesitate and just think, who can be the right person for that particular situation? And reach out to them, talk to them, seek help. And that helps you. That makes a lot better there. The other thing is like please take care of your health, everyone there


Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:00
Happy new yearapavitra. And you rightly put a good point that many people doesn't talk. And because they don't talk, they have negative feelings piling up in them. And it causes serious mental health issues which can manifest in many forms, including anger, danger to themselves as well as danger to others. A road rage is another example of negative emotions piling up and the dissatisfaction in professional life, family life. All it happens because of not giving importance to mental health