Nathaniel Singletary
@knowledge72 · 2:09

How are things going? Short answer. Swell lol

And if I had to choose a way to live, it definitely be in a beach chair, relaxing, sipping on some iced teas, whether that be spiked or not, and just enjoying my surroundings, being comfortable in my own skin, being comfortable with the things that I choose to surround myself with and having the best go at it. What are your thoughts? What is your life like? I go by the name of Knowledge Cancer. My birthday is in two weeks

#Swell #LifeIsABeachChair

Tia L
@IamTia07 · 0:16
If you could live anywhere outside of where do you live? Where would you live? And if you could have a dream career or, like your dream life, what would that consist of?
Hello capricorn
@hellocapricorn · 2:00


So this is definitely cool, because you know what? If a person is not live, you can't really talk to them. Unless you go on instagram. At least with this one, you post as well. They up here, they get notified, and then you get to talk to them like that. So, yes, I do like that. We are creating our own community here, and I wonder when others come, it will be different. But right now, I like this
Hello capricorn
@hellocapricorn · 0:55


It's hot. Just, I don't know, like, I to figure out a place. I feel like I have to go to that place to be like, this is where I need to be. But since I've never been there, I could just start listing things. I want to go to Bahamas, I want to go to Hawaii. I could just start naming things. But I need to see if I like it because it's also with the culture. Will I like it?
Tia L
@IamTia07 · 0:33


Um, I asked, what do you think is the biggest misconception about you that people don't, like, understand? If you wanted to clear something up oh, goodness gracious, Miles. You probably don't want to clear anything up. I don't know, but just, like, what what do you think is the biggest misconception about you? And a place I think would be perfect for you to visit, like describing what you like or where you would like to know you should visit Maui
Hello capricorn
@hellocapricorn · 0:54


Oh, my gosh. I love it. Oh, my God. I just can't like, just being out here right now is ridiculous to me, man. I hate the snow. I hate cleaning up my car. The only thing I would say I love, okay, is I do not have to pump my gas, okay? That's the one thing. That's the reason why Jersey has my heart. I do not have to pump my gas
Khamerra Icee
@Khamerraicee · 0:51
Okay, so, yeah, what brought me to the platform, of course, is MOOC, as we all know, being that we are all competing in the steam Olympics that he has created and hosted. Hosting, because it ain't over yet. And, yeah, that's pretty much how I got here. And this is a creative app because I'm not fond of texting and typing all the time unless I'm literally writing a book or a story. But this is easier
Nathaniel Singletary
@knowledge72 · 0:40


Hey, Tia. You asked me where I would I live if I could live anywhere. Money not being an option. I would want to go somewhere tropical. Like, I would want to have, like, my own island or none of my own island, but just live. Just have that island life. One of them dope a** houses out there. Um, I'm probably a Spanish speaking country, to be honest with you
Nathaniel Singletary
@knowledge72 · 1:31


And it's good conversation and the more we meet new people on here, only thing you see is their profile picture. So it's really like is this person real or no, it could be a real fun game. Shout out to Camara ice too. She said she wants to do the storyboard kind of deal and I thought that was fun
Hello capricorn
@hellocapricorn · 1:08


I'm yes, I would think I think that's dope too. And I'm down with it. I'm down with everything. I was thinking now that you put that in my head now, we should have our own circle here. I should make a circle, but not now, right? But in the future, have our own circle and tell people, hey, you could either want to be a fish or you could use your real thing. And I don't know