marce w
@knomarcie · 5:00

A great Giver?

But I guess it will be different now because I've got a better grip on my anger, I think, or I'm learning how to express it properly, or I'm not afraid to, but I fear I will be most lonely than ever, really, if I truly step into myself. But maybe that's a good thing, to be alone, not to be lonely in myself. And maybe only because people are taking things from me when I'm so willing
marce w
@knomarcie · 5:00
I have to take care of myself. I have to be away from the people who don't do that. And if that means being alone and feeling lonely for a little bit, then fine, so be it. It took me so long to acknowledge that. No, to accept that it's true because it rings true that I'd only be lonely for a bit. But loneliness is just a mindset, really