DAYDAY Mcclenton

False kidnapping of Miss Russell

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article image placeholderUploaded by @KINGPOP
Hey, y'all. How y'all doing out there? Y'all got King Pop on your swell cast? Just popping off with the good good topic of today. Because, you know, I've been looking into this lady, and this is a shocker. This is way over my head, y'all. Okay, how about Miss Russell lied about the kid napping, the baby being on the freeway?


Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:02
Like, if I found a baby on the side of the road, I would be really upset, and you would be able to hear it in my voice. Just the fear and everything in my voice of finding this baby and just being alarmed. You would be able to hear it in my voice. But in her voice, she's just totally calm. And then she's talking about the baby walked 600 yards at three ain't no baby walking that far at three years old. I'm sorry