Darryl King
@KingDarrylG · 4:27

Just Living

It. Living life on the edge of every angle. If I'm not anxious, what if the person who is. And just living, not meaning simply living simply alive, you, but rather living justly. Just living, trusting God, believing God. Personal focus question who's paying attention to me? Why should anyone be paying attention to me? Living life on the edge of every angle


Darryl King
@KingDarrylG · 3:44
Word of God says men ought to always pray. I'm very sure that must be the beginning. And it's so often that people are in our face every single day. And we do not know just how bad they're doing. Because they wear such a plain, pleasant face. But we really have a lot of suffering people around us. And I'm not saying that we ourselves are not suffering. And I also say that God uses the imperfect to perfect
Darryl King
@KingDarrylG · 1:11


You talk about growing pain in the life of the believer. Trusting in God's promises and in that his yoke is easy. Take upon you my yoke and learn, o me father, help my unbelief. Touch me that I may see I am never meant to be on my own own no, not once again. Not one more time all by myself
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Darryl King
@KingDarrylG · 0:13
And thank you so much for chiming in, and I appreciate you appreciating what I have to offer