Listen to the quiet wisdom within and let no be your shield, your line. Rest is not defeat, but a sanctuary, a declaration of self worth and care. In the art of refusal, discover your strength, a boundary set, a soul laid bare when the world pulls and tugs, stand your ground. Embrace the power to let your spirit breathe. Say no with grace, with unwavering poise. It is in that sacred act your true self shall emerge. I hope you all enjoyed that peace

Rest is not defeat. Rest is not something to be frowned upon. Rest is necessary. Rest is essential. Rest is beautiful. #poem #poetry #rest #selfcare

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:19

#rest #poetry #author

It's good to hear another one of your pieces. So beautiful. The concept, it shines through the message and the words, and it's definitely a heartfelt message, so thanks. I receive it fully. And I hope you're resting well this week and enjoying some downtime as well as getting some stuff done
Kindly Ken
@KindlyKen · 0:31


You. Thank you so much for responding. I always appreciate all of the interaction and the feedback that you provide. I hope the same for you, that you were able to rest well with intentionality and that you were able to accomplish the things that you set out to accomplish this week. Now that we are nearing the end of it, I hope that you've had a good one. And as always, take care. Bye