Kimberly Allender
@KimmieA66 · 0:31

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

article image placeholderThe Swell Questionnaire
If I had to be a character in a book or a movie, it would definitely be Snoopy. He never has to talk. His best friend is Woodstock. He sleeps most of the day on top of his doghouse. And when he's not sleeping, he's the red baron flying around fearlessly in his by wing plane. So I would definitely be snoopy. He certainly makes me happy, and I think he makes other people happy too

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 https://s.swell.life/SU9VqH1Kj309hfR #TellYourStory

Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:37
Oh, yes. Snoopy. I wish I had thought of Snoopy because I answered this question somewhere else. I couldn't think of a single character I would like to be from any book or movie, but I just did not think of Snoopy. Yeah, or, you know who? Tintin the explorer. Or Asterix or Obelix. One of them. But female character. I can't think of any female character